Tag Archive: void

I’ve posted this clip because I think it’s a great metaphor for the stage of awareness we’ve reached where we come face to face with our mortality, and the mortality of humans as a species. Suddenly our actions, our daily routines, and the routines of those around us appear to be completely useless and idiotic. It comes about in an even deeper way, when we realise “I am a human being named such and such” is a lie, and all of what we were, and are programmed with, is a lie. We’ve peeled off the skin and the mask of God, and found exactly the same thing as when we looked beneath our own name and image: void. It was all a trick. The Wizard of Oz is exposed as nothing more than an archetype, a symbol…

This is a massive shock to the system – to see yourself and those around you as nothing more than automatons, droids, or cyborgs, if you will – how is one to deal with this? There’s obviously no going back, and it appears that there’s no way to go forward, either. Linear time has transformed into a circle:


This is a dangerous point where a lot of people turn to nihilistic behaviour and develop a general apathy towards life. If none of it matters, then why not go off and get wasted – live for the day? “We’re all gonna die, so lets get high” – right? “I am god, I am perfect, I can do whatever I want”.

The funny thing is, that they are close to the mark, but what prevents them hitting the bulls-eye is their interpretation of the term “void”, and that they have failed to perceive the circle as a spiral.
This void they have felt has been interpreted as “devoid of anything”, when it is, in fact, “anything and everything” – pure potential H, and the spiral is the new symbol of evolution, as opposed to the old ladder symbol of “progress”.

The way to truly get “high” is through becoming more and more conscious of these fresh interpretations in the day-to-day theatre of life, so as to feel free from worry, and grateful to have the opportunity to experience Unithou: the joy of becoming, of unfolding, of release.

The Terminator myth shows us our robotic selves, which, in their natural state, are neither good nor evil – it’s how they are programmed which dictates their behaviour and priorities. Sarah Connor transforms from a trendy, subservient naive domesticated young lady, into a paraniod schizophrenic freedom fighter. It’s a bit like how Patty Hearst was brain-washed and reprogrammed.

Sarah’s strength comes from hope and determination, but is initially channelled through hatred and revenge, and she finds herself behaving almost just like a terminator when she tries to kill Miles Dyson , a Cyberdyne Systems engineer working on the microprocessor that will form the basis for Skynet, and cause the apocalypse she has nightmares about. When she’s holding the gun to his head, she is able to step outside of herself and see that she’s just become a different kind of robot: a reactionary controlled by emotion (particularly fear).

At the end of the film she tells us that she has found hope.

The darkness is a necessary phase – keep spiralling, and you will come the light 😉

Unithou: “One you”, “Unique Divinity”.

H: Pronouced “hhh”. Nameless, all-penetrating vital energy (ethereal and corporeal).

Void: The infinite unmanifest H.

L.I.F.E. = Learned Interpretations Filtering Experience

Intent: The source of consciousness, the director of H, usually manifesting as mind
activity/thoughts/attitude. “H goes where the mind goes, H obeys intent.”

Intelligence: The ability to receive, intuit, process and transmit information, whether spatial, linguistic, logical/mathematical, bodily kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, existential, or psychic.

Cohesion: Consciously “blending in”, or merging with one’s scene/setting/required role, so as to act in a lucid and virtuous manner.

Longing: …for balance, harmony, growth, connection (physical and empathic), depth of feeling, understanding, creation, and experience of the unknown/unfathomable.

– The capacity to live, grow, or develop.
– Frequency/quality of meditational practice, as well as flow of meditational
focus from moment to moment.
– Physical and psychological health/vigour.
– Intimacy with, amount of, and circulation of H.
– Power to endure/embrace/joyfully participate in adversity/suffering.
– Sense of lightness, detachment and good humour.

Maturity: Authority over, and responsibility for one’s own thoughts and actions. Recognition of the unique divinity in the other. Respect. Sacrifice of time for another/others.

Consciousness/Awareness: The ability to observe one’s thoughts/interpretations, and detach oneself from them (as opposed to delusion/ignorance, where one has no choice but to be defined by them).

Multi-dimensional: Dynamic/evolving/non-patterning. The ability of the mind to approach any activity as a performance, experiment, work of art, game, dance etc. A “this AND that” philosophy as opposed to “this OR that”.

The symbol of this religion is the most universal symbol of all: the circle:

A helpful reminder that we can wear on our wrists or hang on our wall: