Tag Archive: unithou

The development of consciousness entails becoming more aware that we cannot be sure of our senses and words and symbols. Unithou itself is just a word which refers to the individual’s feeling of profound or euphoric uniqueness, when the wheel of time has stopped and (s)he is having no thoughts of past or future, or “I’d rather be doing something else.”.
The all pervading vital energy of all things is represented as H and is most evident in the breath of the individual. It truly has no name, and has many flavours and varieties which can only be experienced. If you want to pronounce it in speech, a subtle “hhh” sound is fine. It will hopefully bring a smile to your face. Otherwise, you might like to just leave a few seconds of empty silence where the letter H is written. It’s really just a symbol, or algebraic variable for what is weightless and formless. It is defined only by the intent we add to it, which is why optimism is so important, especially in terms of the words we say to ourselves.

To ask “What is the meaning of life?” is just like asking “What is the meaning of a flower?”.
“What is the purpose of life?” can be answered in simple biological terms as “the purpose of life is to produce further life.”.

In Unithou, we say that the purpose of life is to cultivate vitality, which results in health and enjoyment, and genuine love, as opposed to dependency or attachment. The devotee is to worship none other than her/his own unique divinity and image, while recognising and respecting the unique divinity of the other.

It’s acknowledged that it is not meaning that we long for, but the unique experience of divinity, a self-discovery, of sorts, which is not an enduring experience, and one which cannot be communicated with the use of everyday terminology. Any so called “truth” realised in the way of words or images can be expressed to others, but at best, only in an abstract way, and it is recognised that, since the viewer/listener did not have the same unique experience, that at best they can only imagine it, or have blind faith in the words or images presented to them. For those seeking the truth, to read, or hear about it from others can imprint their minds with expectations of what they are supposed to experience, thus, distancing Unithou, and disempowering the individual.

If we use the analogy of the treasure hunt, we can think of the treasure as the truth. It’s an arduous adventure to find the treasure, and that moment of discovery is beyond description. The longer the treasure is held onto, the more it weighs the individual down. (S)he begins to protect it, and wonders what will happen if it is lost.
“The hunt is better than the kill”, as they say.

Some say “there is no truth”, but in Unithou it’s acknowledged that there is a pervading truth, and this truth is fleeting and multidimensional, and that one can, in fact, find an element of truth in any view/philosophy/interpretation. So the truth is that there are many truths, and the experience of Unithou is experienced in the moment of discovery itself, which comes about by way of the adventure we either opt for, or simply find ourselves drawn into, whether we like it or not.

Unithou is the unique encounter with one’s divinity.
Truth is dynamic, like a sliding scale: what is true for one instance, may be untrue for another.
This is why moral dogma doesn’t work.

The fourth 21st Century commandment states:
“Thou shalt endeavour to invest thy time and energy cultivating health, intelligence, creativity, experience, relationships, and consciousness”.
In this way one becomes the artist of one’s own life, and cultivates vitality, in order to best experience the adventure of adversity, and encounter the profoundly fleeting truth in so, so many ways.

Unithou: “One you”, “Unique Divinity”.

H: Pronouced “hhh”. Nameless, all-penetrating vital energy (ethereal and corporeal).

Void: The infinite unmanifest H.

L.I.F.E. = Learned Interpretations Filtering Experience

Intent: The source of consciousness, the director of H, usually manifesting as mind
activity/thoughts/attitude. “H goes where the mind goes, H obeys intent.”

Intelligence: The ability to receive, intuit, process and transmit information, whether spatial, linguistic, logical/mathematical, bodily kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, existential, or psychic.

Cohesion: Consciously “blending in”, or merging with one’s scene/setting/required role, so as to act in a lucid and virtuous manner.

Longing: …for balance, harmony, growth, connection (physical and empathic), depth of feeling, understanding, creation, and experience of the unknown/unfathomable.

– The capacity to live, grow, or develop.
– Frequency/quality of meditational practice, as well as flow of meditational
focus from moment to moment.
– Physical and psychological health/vigour.
– Intimacy with, amount of, and circulation of H.
– Power to endure/embrace/joyfully participate in adversity/suffering.
– Sense of lightness, detachment and good humour.

Maturity: Authority over, and responsibility for one’s own thoughts and actions. Recognition of the unique divinity in the other. Respect. Sacrifice of time for another/others.

Consciousness/Awareness: The ability to observe one’s thoughts/interpretations, and detach oneself from them (as opposed to delusion/ignorance, where one has no choice but to be defined by them).

Multi-dimensional: Dynamic/evolving/non-patterning. The ability of the mind to approach any activity as a performance, experiment, work of art, game, dance etc. A “this AND that” philosophy as opposed to “this OR that”.

Nighttime is the delicate,
carefree whisper of “hhh
subtly evoking
unfathomable depths.

Joyfully releasing
all worldly concerns,
I dissolve into
motionless Unithou.

The lights are out,
my eyes are closed,
gazing at
this amorphous gateway,
patiently awaiting
tonight’s unguided trek
through the abstract frontier
of inner-space…

simply witnessing…

silent surrender…


We know that C-3PO is programmed for etiquette and protocol – he represents the domesticated mind, whereas, R2-D2 is an astrometric droid, seemingly designed for repair and maintenance of starships etc. As the films have unfolded, we’ve come to recognise C-3PO as the reluctant one, and R2-D2 who carries out his instructions without question. C-3PO complains “We seem to be made to suffer – it’s our lot in life!”, “Where do you think you’re going? I’m not going that way. It’s much too rocky. This way is much easier.”. To complain seems to be the accepted etiquette in our society – something we all do to appear “normal”. When the rebellious software in us is running, we find ourselves doing things in order to “overthrow” protocol, without thoughts of the possible consequences. Safety and well-being is the counterpart for self-sacrifice/duty/purpose. Both of these are necessary, so the object is not to try to delete them, but rewrite our program with the 21st Century Commandments, so that we gradually move away from conformity, and into conscious cohesion – going along with, while remaining apart from domesticated society. This gives us options, and allows us to decide for ourselves, and not just decide by way of dialogue between the foreign imprints of C-3PO and R2-D2 in us.

You know those robot slaves we’ve been wishing for since we were kids? We are them, and they are all around us. They have the ability to change this, but they don’t want to. The “down to earth” human likes not having to develop, think for themselves, and take responsibility, whereas the Unithou recognises her/himself as Creator and creation. Being told what to do doesn’t bother Unithou – being told what to think, does.

Taken from the Online Etymolgy Dictionary:
Religion: “c.1200, “state of life bound by monastic vows,” also “conduct indicating a belief in a divine power,” from Anglo-Fr. religiun (11c.), from O.Fr. religion “religious community,” from L. religionem (nom. religio) “respect for what is sacred, reverence for the gods,” in L.L. “monastic life” (5c.); according to Cicero, derived from relegere “go through again, read again,” from re- “again” + legere “read” (see lecture). However, popular etymology among the later ancients (and many modern writers) connects it with religare “to bind fast” (see rely), via notion of “place an obligation on,” or “bond between humans and gods.” Another possible origin is religiens “careful,” opposite of negligens. Meaning “particular system of faith” is recorded from c.1300.
To hold, therefore, that there is no difference in matters of religion between forms that are unlike each other, and even contrary to each other, most clearly leads in the end to the rejection of all religion in both theory and practice. And this is the same thing as atheism, however it may differ from it in name. [Pope Leo XIII, Immortale Dei, 1885]
Modern sense of “recognition of, obedience to, and worship of a higher, unseen power” is from 1530s.”

So UniThou as a religion – is it a restrictive thing?

Firstly, The only binding vows are found in the sixteen 21st century commandments, all of which are designed for the healthy liberation of the individual.

Secondly, “conduct indicating a belief in a divine power”, which in Unithou is the unique power within oneself, and the recognition and respect of the unique divine power either latent or active in others.

Thirdly, “Religious community”, in Unithou is a community only in the loosest sense, as it is recognised that any community may indeed stifle the uniqueness of the individual. The information age has provided us with the internet, which Unithou embraces as a means for connection and sharing of ideas/philosophies etc.

Fourthly, the “reading again” would only apply to the commandments, and elaboration thereof.

Fifthly, “to bind fast” (see rely), via notion of “place an obligation on,” or “bond between humans and gods.”, which in Unithou is interpreted as placing an obligation on oneself, once one has acknowledged the “bond between humans and gods”.

Each of us is unique. This is an undeniable fact. We all have one thing in common: uniqueness. It is the divine force that binds us together and also liberates us from conformity, in both the corporeal and ethereal sense. Unithou is the only religion to truly recognise this.
To be an atheist is to be subservient to science only, and deny oneself of one’s true potential, by stating over and over “There is no God, and no afterlife”. Whereas in Unithou we say “I am a magical creature, a god, eternal in essence, mortal in nature.”

Questions and Answer time:

Q – Do you believe in a higher power?
A – I beleive in a relativity, so yes, I believe in a higher power, but no highest power. Just as I believe in a lower power, which I call subservience. Subservience is the result of domesticity, which is a necessary phase, but the higher power is brought about by the evolution of the individual recognising and nourishing her/his own divinity (uniqueness).

Q – Do you believe that the universe is a series of mistakes?
A – I believe the universe is both systematic and serendipitous in nature.

Q – So, if I said to you that there is an all-pervading force ordering and controlling things, would you agree?
A – Yes, but I would add that this force is multi-dimensional, just like us. It gets excited, it gets stressed, it gets tired, loses, and regains control. It perceives and experiences itself in so many, many ways, and in so doing, encounters itself and evolves through its many avatars.

Q – What do you call this force?
A – I call it “H”, pronouced “…hhh…”. Not that it really has a name, or image, or sound in its ethereal essence, but it manifests in the corporeal realm as energy of varying frequencies, detectable by the senses.

Q – How does H relate to Unithou?
A – When the individual becomes aware of H, (s)he can direct it with the mind through focused mind activity/intent and body postures/movements. That’s one of the reasons why regular meditation is crucial – for connecting with and storing/cultivating H, but no particular style is taught, as the individual needs to chose what suits him/her best.
H is the essence, the food, the water, the breath, and the blood of Unithou, seeking to become ever more aware of itself in order to evolve.

The symbol of this religion is the most universal symbol of all: the circle:

A helpful reminder that we can wear on our wrists or hang on our wall:

Conformity or Cohesion?

Conformity is what occurs when one fails to ask questions and think for oneself. It is the seduction of numbers. “Monkey see, monkey do”. It is the soap-opera, network news, P.R. and marketing hypnosis that surrounds us.

Cohesion, on the other hand, is the ability of the UniThou to appear to be conforming, while resisting/remaining apart from the dumbed-down mentality of one’s surrounds. Also, cohesion is the ability to change ones appearance and manner to merge or blend in with any setting.

It is consciousness that separates the two:
Conformists are unconscious puppets – their strings pulled by the opinions of others.
UniThou is a conscious puppet – the strings pulled only by the 21st Century Commandments.