Tag Archive: unithou

In certain eastern mystical traditions duality is a very frowned-upon thing, but in UniThou, duality is embraced, because, in order to be truly non-dual, duality, or separateness cannot be discarded. Have you ever heard the creation myth of Brahma and Maya? If not, check it out here:

In this myth, the non-dual splits in two so that it can experience a game of hide and seek:
this gives it the opportunity to experience that moment of discovery, which is always charged with a special uniqueness, due to time and the journey which lead the individual (notice that word ends in “-dual”) to it.

Remember that other saying “In the beginning, there was the word”? Well, in this instance, we can think of the “word” as Maya, or illusion. The discovery of our non-dual nature is beyond words, but words can give us clues, and those skilled in giving us clues, we refer to as poets. Most of the best poetry speaks not of the solutions to our problems, because that would be disrespectful to the reader, or didactic. The poet acknowledges that everybody knows the solutions, and so poems are more often about problems, and the dualistic, disconnected experience. All great art is imbued with a sense of longing. How does this work? Well, it requires the reader to participate in the poem, and try to sink into it, a bit like Brahma sinks into illusion. Then, if the poem is an effective one, an unique type of empathy is evoked, which can bring about a taste of connectedness, or UniThou.

Many new-age gurus will purport “Be in the now” or “You are now” which is partly true, but you are also, in that case, the past, which was now, and the future, which will be now, each ‘now’ offering the opportunity for the unique discovery to take place, but which could not take place without the fractal nature of time and movement.

I found this short tutorial on youtube, which can be applied to the concept of UniThou by thinking of ‘Uni’ as the immanent/depth aspect, and Thou as the developmental aspect.
As Thou develops, it becomes broader, and Uni ‘involves’ while becoming deeper.

Those breath-taking moments in which the two aspects are in harmony, are what I refer to as moments of discovery, where the transcendent experience that I term ‘UniThou’ takes place. UniThou is not an experience we can cling to at all, because it’s not a god or an object or anything conceivable. The moment of discovery, itself, is what we truly desire, because of its indescribable uniqueness, for each individual, and for each new time it occurs. Any interpretation of the experience will never do it justice, so we let it go, but the journey goes on. Why? Because the appetite, or curiosity returns, due to the fact that, while we have expanded consciousness, our potential to experience that discovery has also deepened.

The fractal shows us that we aren’t just ‘going around in circles’ on the path of UniThou, but are becoming more multi-dimensional as we spiral into and out of the darkness.

Reality as we think of it is actually a hologram. Even science is now confirming this. So I want to put this into a context which is simple enough to understand. If you want to know about the physics of this, there are plenty of youtube vids to watch. An important consideration is what Marshall McCluhan quote “The Medium is the Message”. Since the media through which we analyse the Universe have become more advanced, so have the experiments which we’ve been able to conduct. The computer is probably the best medium and metaphor we currently have to understand the nature of things. But of course, it all boils down to language; “In the beginning there was the word”. Virtual reality, matrix, hologram, holo-deck (from Star Trek); these are all terms which are being employed, but hologram is probably the most common, so let’s look at the origins of the word:

before vowels, hol-, word-forming element meaning “whole, entire, complete,” from Gk. holo-, comb. form of holos “whole, entire, complete,” also “safe and sound,” from PIE *sol-wo-, from root *sol- (see safe (adj.)).

metric unit of weight,” 1797, from Fr. gramme (18c.), from L.L. gramma “small weight,” from Gk. gramma “small weight,” originally “letter of the alphabet,” from stem of graphein “to draw, write” (see -graphy).

And now let’s compare it to UniThou:

word-forming element meaning “having one only,” from L. uni-, comb. form of unus (see one).

Pronoun: (archaic, literary, or dialectal) ‘you’ singular informal, nominative case
verb: (transitive) To address (a person) using the pronoun thou, especially as an expression of familiarity or contempt

So in hologram we have the whole, and the small unit, and in UniThou, we have the One (implying unity), and the singular familiar (implying the separate individual).

Nowhere, though, do we find any reference to ‘illusion’.
All that’s changed is the conception of reality as being ‘out there’ to instead, actually coming from within and being projected outwards onto a kind of ‘screen’ . Just like a film projector onto a movie screen. A unified field, which when we aren’t perceiving it is kind of a formless ‘soup’ of potential, becomes a 3D reality when we do perceive it, as if it were doing a specific kind of dance for each of the senses, or a kind of improvisational theatre (it being both the stage and the actors), in order to experience itself subjectively.

The danger when we consider a unsubstantial reality is the fear that can come about when we consider that we don’t exist. What it really means is that the unified field of formlessness is unfolding through us. To then ask ‘why’ is just like asking an artist why she paints, or an inventor why he invents. The uniqueness and novelty of each individual’s (thou’s) experience of the ‘holo’ or the ‘Uni’ through the mythic phases of life.

There are two predominant sciences fundamental to humankind; Western science, which came from the ancient Greeks, which was based on pulling things apart and seeing what these things are composed of, and Eastern science, which had a holistic view of the world. While the ancient Greeks were concerning themselves with the structure of objects, other ancient civilisations were focused on the structure of time. December 21st 2012 is causing a lot of interest around the world, due to this funny looking thing:

Mayan clendar with I ching

Here’s the man who explains the mathematics of this mythological map of time the best:

(See the end of this post for another look at the fundamental symbol of UniThou.)

We can think of planet earth as being the familiar ‘Thou’ and the galactic centre as the radiant ‘Uni’. What is harmonic resonance? It’s the state we refer to as ‘UniThou’, which is often referred to as non-dualism, and which feelings of clarity, joy, and infinite potential manifesting.
Nassin Haramein has an interesting theory which is based on a unified field theory of fractal time and fractal structure to describe life, the universe and everything. Those well schooled in physics have been critical of his theories. Physics isn’t my speciality by any means, but I have researched crop circles and pyramids in such youtube clips as “Crop circles – the truth and the lies” as well as “Ancient Aliens Debunked”. The implications of geometries of the pyramids remain attractive to me, but why demean them and the ancients by implying that aliens constructed them? If you truly believe that all human minds are brilliant, as he claims to, there is no need to bring aliens into the equation.
Having said this, if we stay focused on the fractal structure of time, and take the interpretation that time and the eternal stillness of now is what we each are truly composed of, we have a model which is the same as UniThou.

Create your own reality –
You only need one sovereignty;

analogue watch symbol

I’d like to further elucidate on Unithou by using the metaphor of the personal computer and the internet itself. Think of the computer as an extension of your brain’s memory, and then think of the internet as a matrix linking all of these memory extensions. That’s a lot of information on call, but his collective brain cannot think or feel.

That’s where we come in. Think of yourself as the thinker and the feeler of this collective brain; a vessel through which it can experience itself in an unique and individual way. Now consider the satellites orbiting the earth right now witnessing its various personas from above. The world as a stage in the most literal way, and when the observer becomes the observed we experience Unithou in a conscious way.

Oneness, and yet uniqueness.
Formlessness and form.
Dreamer and dreamed.
Order and chaos.

Electricity would translate as the vital energy or ‘H’.

To take it a step further, you might like to think about all of the stars in the universe as cells in a brain, and light as H. What would black holes be? Maybe suppressed memories, or the Jungian shadow.

No need to ruin the journey with that question of Victor’s, because creator and created are constantly switching roles.

When the frequencies of the left and right hemispheres of the brain resonate, we get what’s know as hemispheric synchronisation, which allows for the experience of UniThou.


Responds to verbal instructions
Problem solves by logically and sequentially looking at the parts of things
Critical thinking
Controls feelings
Prefers ranked authority structures

Sequential/heirarchical/euclidean space
Is a splitter: distinction important
Is logical, sees cause and effect

The myth of progress in sequential time
“Line of sight” or “point of view”


Recognizing faces
Expressing emotions
Reading emotions

“playing it by ear”

The problem we have today, is that our left hemispheres are dominating. To experience Unithou, there needs to be smooth communication between the two hemispheres, which tends to require a medium, such as a meditative art, an technological stimulant (such as cinema, theatre, concert, sports event/entertainment, performance art, dance party etc), being among nature, communicative interaction, such as conversation, making love etc, or a chemical stimulant, because these all have the potential to bring about a flavour of “H” (which I previously linked to the old term “Holy Spirit”, or “breath of life”). This allows the right brain the time that it needs to be nourished, so that it can, in daily life, come into balance with the left.

H has its masculine and feminine aspects, “Him” (active, positive, brightness, heaven, sunshine, fire, hardness, male, dryness, day-time, upward seeking, restless, producing, hot, even numbers, and dominant aspects of things.) and “Her” (passive, negative, darkness, earth, cloudy, water, softness, female, moisture, night-time, downward seeking, slowness, consuming, cold, odd numbers, and docile aspects of things.).
Whichever aspect of H comes more naturally to a person will have a big influence on which medium works best for them, but that doesn’t mean they can’t learn to heighten their understanding of other media as well to enrich the uniqueness of their experience.
Some of the best mathematicians have been shown to have smooth communication between right and left.

To meditate on the question “what am I?” is to become familiar with Unithou, in the sense that we can break the word into its two components: the ‘Uni’ which is the one, unmovable, peaceful, enlightened, detached and joyous axis, or perhaps ‘source’ which is without any identifiable source. It is the observer, or the all seeing ‘eye’ which doesn’t judge and has no name, no history, and no future. If it has an aim, it is to experience itself in its many dimensions, or you could say, to encounter, or discover itself.

To do this though, it requires a vessel, which we call the ‘thou’, meaning the familiar, the personality, the body, the movement, the sufferer, the judge, the aspirer, the emotional being. In order for the experience of Unithou to occur, both aspects of the “I am” need to be present: the timeless and the temporal, and when they do come together, the uniquely indescribable event occurs – indescribable due to its multi dimensional nature. This is followed by the agreeable division of ‘Uni’ and ‘thou’, in order to provide for the possibility of another unique event – the same as, but different from the previous – so that the spiralling may continue.

It’s important to mention that Unithou is not something which can be forced, or even strategized; all one can do is to remove the obstacles to it, which is what the 21st Century Commandments are designed to do.

You’ll all be familiar with the terms “the father, the son, and the holy spirit”. Here, the archetypal mother/father could be translated as the “Uni”, whereas the son/daughter could be thought of as the “thou”. The holy spirit, or the breath of life, and the medium through which Uni and thou can communicate would be the silent “H”.

The ‘Uni’ could also be thought of as the master, and the ‘thou’ as the student, while the (preferably meditative) work, or art being taught could be the medium. Here’s a famous example: the master/father(-figure) and the student/(metaphorical) son (or in this case ‘san’!).

The Shawshank Redemption will do as a beautiful metaphor for pain, disease, depression, and suffering in general:




When pain first arrives it’s a bit like the cops bursting into your house and arresting you. Either you feel non-plussed, like there has been some kind of mistake, or you feel like you’re being punished for doing something wrong. There’s no mistake, and you’ve done nothing “wrong”, it’s just change, or what we’ve come to refer to as “life”. Certain liberties that you took for granted have suddenly been taken away. You receive a sentence or “diagnosis” and the initiation begins. Often they tell you that it’s a life sentence. You feel doomed. How to tell your friends and family? How will they react? It’s a bit like you’ve been banished from the garden of Eden, like Adam, with a great sense of shame.

Adam was overcome by this shame and simply accepted that he could no longer experience heaven. There wa another tree in the garden though: the tree of eternal life, from which, if he had eaten the fruit, he would experience what Andy did in the second clip posted above. The place (heaven) that can’t be taken away from you, and available to be experienced in an infinite variety of unique ways. Pleasure provides an opportunity to experience Unithou, just as much as pain does. Pleasure descends from a peak, whereas pain can ascend from the valley. We can equate this ascension to a prison break.

The Brooks character symbolises the person who accepts their fate, but then doesn’t attempt the audacity to try and change it. Those who attempt to strategically, and methodically change their lifestyle to increase their vibration and awaken the Eden within are choosing to “get busy living” as opposed to “getting busy dying” (the later is what organised religion is well known to encourage).

Remember also that there is another aspect to vitality: that of power which is gained through the experience and the enduring of suffering. A voyage through hell (the prison of the mind, or the “hole” of solitary confinement) in which the individual discovers a strength which would otherwise have remained latent. This brings to mind the science of “epigenetics”:

The experience of connectedness is something we all instinctively long for, but the nature of modern society is very divisive, and results in deep feelings of loneliness, or isolation in people from all walks of life. It encourages a hierarchical culture of “monkey see, monkey do”, and addiction or other psychological conditions are symptoms of the individual’s disharmony with her/his intrinsic nature: Unithou.

An understanding of mythic patterns is extremely empowering, as it helps us recognise the different powers that both cooperate and cause conflict within us. When we recognise our inner villain, we may begin to see our difficulty as an opportunity, so that the downward spiral can transform into the upward spiral.
Here’s a quote from the essay by William L. White, which refers to Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero With a Thousand Faces”:

“If recovering people have not fully returned to their communities, it is as much a cultural
failure as a personal one. It is the cultural stigma–the very real price that can be exacted for
disclosure of recovery status–that is a primary culprit here. It is time for a new recovery
advocacy movement that, by removing the cultural stigma that continues to be attached to
addiction/recovery, can open the doors for recovering people to return to their communities. It is
time recovering people shared the boon of their recovery, not just with others seeking recovery,
but with the whole community.”

Download the whole essay here:

The answer to this one is simple: YOU are its icon, YOU are its messiah, and the myths of Unithou are the stories of YOUR life, which YOU write, whether knowingly or otherwise.

It can help us a lot to reconnect with the mythic heroes that inspired us when we were kids, and ask “Why that story? Why that hero?”. There will always be some psychological appeal that attracted you to this particular one over the others. It’s important to remember that the villain usually makes the hero, because usually, the villain acts, and the hero reacts. The hero and the villain represent the higher and lower powers within us, both of which are always present, even if one hasn’t made itself known in quite a while. The hero never kills the villain, and the villain never succeeds in killing the hero, because without one, there would be no adventure, no story. The terms villain, trickster, and demon are all intertwined, but we’ve been programmed to despise and repress them:

So when we feel this impulse in ourselves, and recognise it as “daimonic” we’ll become more conscious of its importance to our experience of divine uniqueness.

I’ve posted two brilliant examples of the psychological dynamic, without which we couldn’t hope to experience the unification of opposites as UniThou, meaning One Holiness, one you, your unique divinity encountered via the cycle of time: