I found this short tutorial on youtube, which can be applied to the concept of UniThou by thinking of ‘Uni’ as the immanent/depth aspect, and Thou as the developmental aspect.
As Thou develops, it becomes broader, and Uni ‘involves’ while becoming deeper.

Those breath-taking moments in which the two aspects are in harmony, are what I refer to as moments of discovery, where the transcendent experience that I term ‘UniThou’ takes place. UniThou is not an experience we can cling to at all, because it’s not a god or an object or anything conceivable. The moment of discovery, itself, is what we truly desire, because of its indescribable uniqueness, for each individual, and for each new time it occurs. Any interpretation of the experience will never do it justice, so we let it go, but the journey goes on. Why? Because the appetite, or curiosity returns, due to the fact that, while we have expanded consciousness, our potential to experience that discovery has also deepened.

The fractal shows us that we aren’t just ‘going around in circles’ on the path of UniThou, but are becoming more multi-dimensional as we spiral into and out of the darkness.