If I told you that you could make a living telling others what they wanted to hear, and that you would never have to be actively involved in any kind of debate about the substance of your teachings, you might think this just isn’t possible – if so, just watch this:

Now, the real beauty of this trick, as they admit, is to do nothing and forget about enlightenment, God, spirituality…
If it wasn’t for the Indian names, the beards, costumes, and thrones, would these men really have such a following? It’s easy to tell by looking at them that they’ve never really done a hard day’s work in their lives, they haven’t had to pay off a mortgage by working two jobs, and they haven’t had to pass a test for any certificate which qualifies them to preach.

Tell your kids to become a new age guru – it’s the safest job there is.

Now, take a look at this man:

Do you think this man gained such abundant H (chi) by doing nothing? No, as he tells us, he meditates (practices chigong) daily, and obviously undertook much training from his master until he was deemed ready to uplift others with what he had learned.
He wears no costume, and doesn’t spend his time sitting in a chair answering questions.

Commandment number twelve states: “Thou shalt seek to be open to the wisdom and/or guidance of philosophy (ancient, recent, or emergent), the views of others, as well as the insight/advice of those with experience.”

So listen to any guru you like, but remember that truth is a sliding scale. Sometimes to “stop searching” is a source of relief, whereas, sometimes to search is an enjoyable adventure which leads to a gateway moment, something unexpected, increased vitality, intelligence, special abilities… who knows?