There are two predominant sciences fundamental to humankind; Western science, which came from the ancient Greeks, which was based on pulling things apart and seeing what these things are composed of, and Eastern science, which had a holistic view of the world. While the ancient Greeks were concerning themselves with the structure of objects, other ancient civilisations were focused on the structure of time. December 21st 2012 is causing a lot of interest around the world, due to this funny looking thing:

Mayan clendar with I ching

Here’s the man who explains the mathematics of this mythological map of time the best:

(See the end of this post for another look at the fundamental symbol of UniThou.)

We can think of planet earth as being the familiar ‘Thou’ and the galactic centre as the radiant ‘Uni’. What is harmonic resonance? It’s the state we refer to as ‘UniThou’, which is often referred to as non-dualism, and which feelings of clarity, joy, and infinite potential manifesting.
Nassin Haramein has an interesting theory which is based on a unified field theory of fractal time and fractal structure to describe life, the universe and everything. Those well schooled in physics have been critical of his theories. Physics isn’t my speciality by any means, but I have researched crop circles and pyramids in such youtube clips as “Crop circles – the truth and the lies” as well as “Ancient Aliens Debunked”. The implications of geometries of the pyramids remain attractive to me, but why demean them and the ancients by implying that aliens constructed them? If you truly believe that all human minds are brilliant, as he claims to, there is no need to bring aliens into the equation.
Having said this, if we stay focused on the fractal structure of time, and take the interpretation that time and the eternal stillness of now is what we each are truly composed of, we have a model which is the same as UniThou.

Create your own reality –
You only need one sovereignty;

analogue watch symbol