I’d like to further elucidate on Unithou by using the metaphor of the personal computer and the internet itself. Think of the computer as an extension of your brain’s memory, and then think of the internet as a matrix linking all of these memory extensions. That’s a lot of information on call, but his collective brain cannot think or feel.

That’s where we come in. Think of yourself as the thinker and the feeler of this collective brain; a vessel through which it can experience itself in an unique and individual way. Now consider the satellites orbiting the earth right now witnessing its various personas from above. The world as a stage in the most literal way, and when the observer becomes the observed we experience Unithou in a conscious way.

Oneness, and yet uniqueness.
Formlessness and form.
Dreamer and dreamed.
Order and chaos.

Electricity would translate as the vital energy or ‘H’.

To take it a step further, you might like to think about all of the stars in the universe as cells in a brain, and light as H. What would black holes be? Maybe suppressed memories, or the Jungian shadow.

No need to ruin the journey with that question of Victor’s, because creator and created are constantly switching roles.