You’ll come across the idea quite frequently that thought itself is a hindrance to the development of our perception and awareness, and that therefore, one should try to reach the truth by ‘not thinking’. I would like to point out that what we really have here is a difficulty with language, and that we would be better to try to categorise thought into two fundamental kinds: that of the word, being sequential and rational, and that of silence, being abstract and intuitive. That of the word, we call the familiar, or ‘Thou’, and that of the unmoving silence, or ‘Uni’.
The philosophy of Unithou is to find the correct balance between the two, which is why it’s so necessary to devote at least an hour every day to the meditative activity which works best for you. The danger of any particular belief system is that it becomes an ‘explanation teddy bear’ which gives a person the comfort of not having to concern themselves with thinking outside of the parameters of its categories. It is obvious in religion and it is obvious in science, and some like to kid themselves that it is not obvious in conspiracy theories. We like to kid ourselves that we are finding the truth, when we are really finding the teddy bear which we find to be the snugliest, best made, or best looking.


We can think of the question mark symbol as expressing the two fundamental ways of thinking, with the line representing the sequential, and the dot representing the silent, intuitive kind.
Here’s a great lecture by Terrance McKenna which relates to this: