subliminal TV:

There are two aspects to what David Icke is saying here. Firstly there’s the subliminal message of TV, which I’ve also heard him refer to as ‘left brain hypnosis’ – the left brain being the literate brain which deals with reasoning and sequences, or the processing of information. To the left brain time is a bead on a string, whereas, to the right brain, which is intuitive and abstract in nature, there is just eternal now – a unified field from which feelings rise, and into which they recede.
The mass-media appeal to the rational left brain, and can even exploit the right brain (which deals with emotions) to make us emotionally dependent on content such as the network news, soap operas etc. Alex Jones purports the very same:

Alex Jones mind control through media

Now is where I’d like you, the viewer to consider Marshall Mcluhan’s famous phrase “the medium is the message”, and consider the state of mind which he called ‘Narcosis’: a combination of ‘Narcisus’ and ‘Narcotic’. The medium for Narcisus was the waterfall in which he fell inlove with the beautiful image he saw in it – unaware that this was indeed his own reflection. He became addicted to the image as if it were a drug, and drowned in the waterfall.
So the content was hypnotic in much the same way as television. Even as yu read tis blog, it’s your left brain which is being reinforced.
Conspiracy theories have for many years been going around in book form – Icke himself has written many – but it should be obvious that these books, which present to us a rational sequence of how and why the world is in such a state, are employing the medium of literature, and so, regardless of the content, are actually performing this same ‘left-brain hypnosis’.
The digital movie camera and the internet have made it much easier for people to make documentaries. But what is a documentery? Surely a good documentary should provide use with factual evidence and let us make up our own minds. This is the Socratic principle of thesis>antithesis>synthesis. Have David Icke or Alex Jones ever attacked their own points of view? The phrase ‘point of view’, by the way is what Mcluhan used to sum up the left brain, because it deals primarily with the visual, whereas the right brain deals with sound. He used the phrase ‘play it by ear’ to sum up the right-brain’s modus operandi.

So all content aside, the effect of reading or viewing the conspiracy theory, with its sequencial timeline of dates and names is the same as the effects of the media which it tries to debunk.
On top of this there is the power of ‘is’, where assumptions about the intent of the elite are presented as undeniable, even though this is just a possiblility – one of many ‘maybes’ as Robert Anton Wilson would say:
robert anton wilson:- linguistics – removing the ‘is’

Now for the other aspect of what David Icke is saying in the clip above. He refers to ‘waking up’ without himself being aware that there are stages of waking up, and that truth is a sliding scale, not a rigid unmovable object.

BS :

on conspiracies: