The development of consciousness entails becoming more aware that we cannot be sure of our senses and words and symbols. Unithou itself is just a word which refers to the individual’s feeling of profound or euphoric uniqueness, when the wheel of time has stopped and (s)he is having no thoughts of past or future, or “I’d rather be doing something else.”.
The all pervading vital energy of all things is represented as H and is most evident in the breath of the individual. It truly has no name, and has many flavours and varieties which can only be experienced. If you want to pronounce it in speech, a subtle “hhh” sound is fine. It will hopefully bring a smile to your face. Otherwise, you might like to just leave a few seconds of empty silence where the letter H is written. It’s really just a symbol, or algebraic variable for what is weightless and formless. It is defined only by the intent we add to it, which is why optimism is so important, especially in terms of the words we say to ourselves.