The voice of wisdom came from deep within and spoke:
“God is the problem. God was necessary for the period of domestication of the people. As long as the image of a god in another realm persists, spiritual maturity and the evolution of society will remain impossible. True spiritual maturity requires a new set of commandments:

1. Thou shalt follow none other than thine own instinct or reason.

2. Thou shalt worship none other than thine own unique divinity and image.

3. Thou shalt endeavour to behold the unique divinity (“Thou”) shrouded in the image of the other.

4. Thou shalt endeavour to invest thy time and energy cultivating health, intelligence, creativity, experience, relationships and consciousness.

5. Thou shalt learn a meditative art of thine own choosing, and practice this art regularly.

6. Thou shalt wear life, and thy role in it, loosely, so as to laugh.

7. Thou shalt, as opposed to “leading life”, allow life to lead, so as to dance along with grace and enthusiasm.

8. Thou shalt acknowledge fear and opinion, but be a safe-haven for neither.

9. Thou shalt assess thy life, not in terms of achievement, but in terms of balance, and harmony.

10. Thou shalt work to serve others in order to experience self-sacrifice, respect, tolerance, and joyful monotony.

11. Thou shalt seek not to harbour resentment, blame, regret, arrogance, apathy, disrespect, or hatred.

12. Thou shalt seek to be open to the wisdom and/or guidance of philosophy (ancient, recent, or emergent), the views of others, as well as the insight/advice of those with experience.

13. Thou shalt learn how to love, to relax, and to enjoy.

14. Thou shalt apprehend and approach life’s activities in the way of the artist, the scientist, the gamer, the dreamer, the dancer, the poet, the gardener, or the actor.

15. Thou shalt veer from thy path for the purpose of excursion/experimentation, or to broaden thy experience and perception.

16. Thou shalt, as artist and subject, master and student, revise/ammend, or disregard any of the above should they fail to serve their intended purpose: the healthy liberation of the individual’s existential/spiritual uniqueness within a society antithetical it.”